Wednesday 25 May 2011

“The Kiss” made in 1907–1908 made by Gustav Klimt

This piece is filed with romantic, passion and you can see with all the rich golden colours and a bright mixture of colours in patches dogged all around the two people, I think that’s what this painting is all about showing what there feeling at that moment, on the mans clothes is a mucky gold to represent the feeling of richness or luckiness he has because of the woman he his holding in his arums, the woman also was that gold in her clothes, but it’s a much richer colour witch mite mean that’s she feel more thankful about the man holding her and all around the two lovers is a almost foggy gold colour, witch could meant that there in a kind of daze, oblivious to what is happening around them, the black on the mans clothes is probably to do with him feeling more protective and controlling over the woman because of fears of reality, the woman has only hints of black, my pant in this is that all different colours have meanings to them and show emotions and that’s what this pitcher is all about feelings, light blue is carom relaxed, green is for healthy, weight is for purity, reds and pinks for love and romance, I love this painting it inspires me.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Zandra Rhodes

I love this famous designer’s work, the clothes she makes are gorgeous and the bags and shoes are the like the ultimate accessory that a girl could have, the design’s she dos are all beautiful in there own way but they also all have a strange twist to them like the dress amazing design with bright complementary colour’s but if you look at the bottom of it, its all roughly cut like its not bin finished. Zandra has designed a lot of things such as bedding, pottery, bags, shoes and hats but most of all she designs clothing and that is what she is famous for.